Banda de Minnesota formada por Knol Tate, cuando sus bandas Kill Saddie y The Hidden Chord se desintegraron el comenzó a componer canciones usando samplers de un programa de audio gratuito de la computadora. El solo saco 2 discos en 2002 y posteriormente se busco una banda para sus presentaciones en vivo, se añadieron y saliron varios musicos a sus lineas pero no fue hasta el 2003 cuando la alineación de Askeleton estaba completa convirtiendo un proyecto solista en una agrupación completa. Cuentan con tres LP los cuales son Sad Album, Angry Album (Psychic Songs) y (happy) Album.
Band formed in Minnesota by Knol tate. When his bands Kill Saddie and The Hidden Chord desintegrated he started a solo proyect using only samplers from a free software in his computer. He released two albums by 2002 and started incluiding musician for his live performances. It was until 2003 when the lineup from Askeleton was completed and the solo proyect was converted in a full band. They have 3 LP's at the moment: Sad Album, Angry Album (Psychic Songs) and (happy) Album.
Band formed in Minnesota by Knol tate. When his bands Kill Saddie and The Hidden Chord desintegrated he started a solo proyect using only samplers from a free software in his computer. He released two albums by 2002 and started incluiding musician for his live performances. It was until 2003 when the lineup from Askeleton was completed and the solo proyect was converted in a full band. They have 3 LP's at the moment: Sad Album, Angry Album (Psychic Songs) and (happy) Album.
Band: Askeleton
Album: (happy) Album
Label: Goodnight Records
1. Places Where People Gather
2. Cities, Not The People In Them
3. People Not The Cities They Live In
4. Anti-Saints With Words In Their Mouths
5. People Who Drive Cars
6. Thieves Choke On Spit
7. Some People/Things
8. You And Your New Me
9. Can I Taste Rock N’ Roll?
10. Life Is A Mood
11. Someone Moved To Suburban California
12. Community Of Suffering And Struggle
Peso/Size: 38.9 Mb
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